Normally these secrets are very well kept by web page designers, but today, because it's you... we are going to reveal some of the mysteries of WordPress to you .
But please don't tell anyone we told you, otherwise the developers will kill us... ?
Come on, go ahead, we'll let you continue reading.
What is WordPress
WordPress is a CMS , that is, a content management system.
With it you can create a website , for example, for your online business. And you can also build a blog with which to implement SEO and improve the positioning of your website.
So we can say that with WP you can have the static aspect of a web page and the dynamic aspect of a blog.
This content manager is one of the leaders and one of the most used by web designers. I'll just tell you: 1 in 4 websites on the Internet are made with it .
With WordPress you can create a very professional corporate website
With this CMS, you can create a very professional corporate website.
Using plugins, widgets and, above all, the thousands and thousands of existing templates to customize to your liking.
Moreover, with prior development and design by experts, it can be managed and edited by anyone afterwards. Therefore, it is easy to handle .
WordPress Features
Its main features and advantages are:
It is free to use and edit . Although it obviously has its paid version, you can use it freely if you wish.
It is easy to install and update .
You can manage users and give them different permissions regarding what they can do within it.
You customize the design as you wish.
Allows you to create content .
Readers can subscribe using the RRSS news system.
And users can leave comments .
design web with wordpress
Design your corporate website
10 WordPress Secrets
So far we have told you exactly what WP is, and now we are going to explain those curiosities that I don't want you to tell anyone else. Do you promise me?
1. Responsive design
Considering that the vast majority of the world's population surfs the Internet via their smartphone, we need to be prepared.
On the one hand, there are UI patterns , which help with this design and solve problems that arise.
It will improve the navigation of users who enter your website, making them feel comfortable and, in turn, increasing the average time they spend on it.
On the other hand, we have Mobile First . That the web iraq telegram design is responsible with the smartphone design is now an obligation and not an option.
With this Mobile First model we can start there, and then adapt it to desktop mode.
2. Simplicity is the key to elegance
When someone starts adding things to a website, very flashy and excessive elements, it surely means that they are a novice.
Because the most aesthetically pleasing thing is the exact opposite. It is much better to use few fonts and few colors , no more than 4, and that they fit in harmony with the corporate colors.
3. The rule of thirds to divide your website into 9 pieces
If we divide the screen into 9 parts equally, we can organize the web better .
We can investigate which points a user focuses on the most, see where we put the things we want to highlight, leave blank spaces, etc.
4. Security: 2-factor authentication
One of the reasons why WP is so widely used worldwide is because of its strong security, since authentication is two-step.
It consists of 2 elements through which to access your page. They can be 2 passwords, or a password and a question. This is decided by the owner of the WP.
WordPress is a very secure CMS
WordPress is a very secure CMS
5. You can backup regularly
Related to the previous point, even if it is SUPER secure, there is always some point at which the best hacker in the world can steal your website.
So at the end of the day WP always makes backups just in case.
6. You can hide the WordPress version number
More secrets for your security. You can hide the WP version number. If the hacker knows that number, it is easier for them to attack the website .
Install the “Remove WordPress Version” plugin and you’re done with it.
7. To log in:
You can change the login URL , the “wp-admin” that everyone uses, to another URL so they won’t know how to enter your website.
And you can also change the way people log in. Let me explain, normally you need your WP username to log in, but you can change that and, for example, make it possible to log in with your email address .
8. You can schedule posts
By installing a plugin like “Editorial Calendar”, you can prepare blog posts and schedule them on the calendar to be published whenever you want.
This is great if you have a blog where you post quite often and need order and organization.
It would be good for me, for example, hehe.
9. You can activate WP maintenance mode
If you need to make some changes to your website and you don't want users to log in while you're at it, you can activate maintenance mode.
The URL will redirect them to a page with a message telling them this, and asking them to come back later when we're ready.
10. Block SPAM comments
With the help of another plugin like «Anti-SPAM» you can block all comments coming from bots , and real commenters will not need to complete the CAPTCHA check.
This plugin will detect bot behavior automatically.
We have told you 10 secrets, but we could have told you many more… Maybe for another post, do you want?
And we don't want you to be too mad at us for telling you. But we trust you.