How does your business understand its consumer?

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How does your business understand its consumer?

Post by sanjida708 »

We are indeed in an era of transformation , in which having a Marketing of the Future is essential . The Internet has revolutionized market behavior in recent years, the digital economy is one of the busiest in the world and this is just the beginning! Marketing 4.0 , so widely promoted by Philip Kotler , is already a reality.

Every day, the digital revolution affects companies. In this context, the question that remains is: how can I truly understand my consumer's behavior? And, also, how can I adapt my marketing strategies so that they are focused on the future ?

You've probably heard about target audiences , marketing indicators , and planning tools . And all of this is very valid for running your campaigns and starting your work with Digital Marketing. The point is: are you getting it right? Or, better yet, how can you improve what you're doing? To be more assertive or even spend less.

The answer to these questions is actually just one: experimentation .

Growth Hacking: the experimentation that takes your marketing into the future!
When we talk about experimentation and testing lithuania whatsapp number database for Digital Marketing, we are actually talking about Growth Hacking . This term, coined by Sean Ellis, refers to the act of finding loopholes and opportunities for success. From these loopholes ( hacks ) you can define strategies and develop your business!

“Growth Hacking is experiment-driven marketing.” Sean Ellis CEO of GrowthHackers

The best thing is that Growth hacking doesn't just aim for results, but quick results for the company. And it is precisely this characteristic that makes this method capable of building the marketing of the future . With so many changes, it is practically impossible to delay achieving success.

Therefore, through Growth Hacking, you achieve your purpose quickly !

The Growth Hacking funnel is divided into five parts called:

However, this funnel can be easily adapted to your business, according to your reality and needs!

A place focused on fast results:
Are you looking for fast and consistent results for your business? Are you wondering where to find a company that uses Growth Hacking?

At UNID Comunicação, Growth Hacking and Growth Marketing strategies are part of our daily routine. We use these methodologies to align strategies and plans, delivering results for our clients.
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