Agile methodology concept

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Agile methodology concept

Post by sanjida708 »

What is agile methodology?
The agile methodology has changed the way companies manage projects and benefits several sectors, not just the software production area, with rapid development cycles focused on customer needs.

Agile methodology is one of the main tools that various types of companies use to manage projects and deliver solutions to customers. The traditional format of project execution, in which results are only delivered at the end, no longer meets the dynamism of the technology sector. Today, agile methodology has surpassed the barriers of the software industry, being used in a wide range of activities, and is no longer limited to being a form of project development, but also of management, always seeking speed and efficiency.

In this article you will learn:

How this methodology came about
What is the concept of agile methodology
Differences between traditional and agile methodology
Main agile methodologies
How did the agile methodology come about?
The growth of the technology sector, especially in the software industry, began to create a gap between customer needs and deliverables. In 2001, a group of software developers launched the Agile Manifesto, which advocated a methodology capable of delivering software versions to customers more frequently and according to demand. This would prevent the solution from being obsolete at the time of delivery.

The main objective of the agile methodology is to deliver solutions and generate value more frequently and in accordance with the client's needs . Project development is iran whatsapp number database carried out in rapid cycles that allow for product improvement with the client present at all stages. An agile process optimizes production, reduces costs and offers more value to the client.

Differences between traditional and agile methodology
There are several differences between the waterfall (traditional) method and the agile method.

The project is divided into small parts, which can be developed simultaneously;
The client receives periodic deliveries to monitor progress and propose any changes;
The project undergoes adjustments throughout the process and may be delivered differently than initially planned.
The steps are sequential, being carried out one after the other;
The customer receives the finished product when everything is complete;
The initial design is usually maintained with few or no changes.
The important thing is to understand that there is no best or worst method, but rather the one that is best suited to the type of project. In a digital marketing campaign or in the development of a website , for example, the agile methodology best suits the work dynamics, since changes along the way can lead to better results. However, when constructing a building, the traditional methodology is ideal. The contractor will not change the project with each floor that is built in the building.

Main agile methodologies
There are several types of agile methodologies, some more recent and others older. You can choose one that best suits the project you are developing or combine the processes. Check out the main types of agile methodologies.

It is one of the best-known methodologies that determines a dynamic based on three essential roles: the Product Owner, the Scrum Master and the development team. The Product Owner represents what the client expects to receive. The Scrum Master is the leader of the project development team and will manage the backlog. The backlog contains the tasks that each team member must perform within a short time cycle, called a sprint. At each meeting, which can be weekly or monthly, depending on the project profile, the team presents the results of the sprints and defines the next steps.

Kanban was created by the Japanese automaker Toyota in 1960 to organize work in factories, but today the concept is applied to projects of various types. The method is simple and visual, based on cards or post-its that provide an overview of the project's progress. Tools like Trello play a similar role in this organization along the lines of Kanban.

Like Kanban, it also originated with Toyota, which adopted the concept of lean manufacturing with the aim of reducing costs and optimizing time in the industry. In Lean, resources are allocated to each development cycle, which must be fast and with continuous improvement. The Lean method emerged after World War II, when Japan was being rebuilt, and today it is the basis for the lean startup , a term created in Silicon Valley with the same purpose of optimizing processes.
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