How B2B and B2C marketing campaigns different

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How B2B and B2C marketing campaigns different

Post by mmehedi*# »

If you've been in business, you probably know instinctively that business-to-business marketing (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) are two different approaches. What's the difference?

Both of these customer types want to buy something at the best price, right? Show them what they want and you'll get a deal. How hard can it be?

We decided to break down some of the key differences between these two types of markets and show you that sometimes it’s apples vs. oranges. Sometimes savvy marketers take a consumer mobile number database completely different approach when approaching one segment over the other.

Let's start with these major areas of variation.


Procedural vs. Emotional Buying Process
B2B buyers are spending their boss’ money. That means they better provide a solid justification for each purchase order. Most companies have a budget and a defined process for researching and bidding on major purchases.

These decisions are made without emotion. Whether they are buying radiators, grommets, cleaning supplies or office furniture, there is a process to follow, a need to meet and a budget to be met.
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