Could data be the new playground for gaming ? While brands still seem cautious on the subject, agencies are getting into gear, like dentsu, which has announced the creation of an exclusive data platform on the gaming sector , "dentsu gaming intelligence". This platform, born from the merger between dentsu Consumer Connection System (CCS) - dentsu's proprietary audience analysis tool - and data from GWI Gaming (an audience targeting company), aims to understand the different types of player profiles as well as their behavior, their relationship with the media and their gaming habits (types of games they play, purchases made within games, duration of sessions, motivations).
The agency is now able to create links between players and brands through "fandoms" (a subculture specific to a group of fans). Thanks to the detailed and complete view of players, in the form of "typical gamer profiles" , dentsu also aims to support game publishers and brands in their actions. Objective: to help them develop a more authentic whatsapp number list relationship with consumers and integrate into the video game culture. " We predict that 3.5 billion people will be 'gamers' by 2025, and it is no longer enough to group them under one single term: 'gamer'," comments Peter Huijboom, CEO, Global Solutions, dentsu international . "In the current economic climate, marketers need to demonstrate more than ever that every euro spent contributes to building their brands' reputation. It is therefore essential to ensure that advertisers will reach and be able to effectively target the right audience for maximum relevance as soon as they arrive in these new territories and virtual channels."
The platform is only accessible through dentsu gaming teams, which can be activated through dentsu agencies (Carat, dentsu X, iProspect and Dentsu Creative). The latter is accompanied by a dentsu “For the Game” report that presents player archetypes and opportunities for brands, which the agency offers to download… after playing a mini-arcade game !