I'm pretty sure we shouldn't just post, post, and share every story we can possibly get our hands on.

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I'm pretty sure we shouldn't just post, post, and share every story we can possibly get our hands on.

Post by bappy8 »

Ethical writing tips. Why you should publish less than you could.
Give your audience's time and attention the respect they deserve
I'm going to say something pretty strange for someone who built a career writing, marketing, storytelling , teaching and coaching people to write better.

A very, very strange thing to say, for someone who is the co-founder of an AI storytelling tool, StoryLab.ai , and who is fully committed to helping that platform become the biggest and best it could be.

I'm going to say this:

Dear fellow writers, marketers, content creators , bloggers, while I wholeheartedly believe that we should write as much as we can -

This is why.

The world and our mental health need less and better content
The digital landscape, and therefore, by proxy, the human experience, has become a continuous landslide of content, ideas , products, services, funny videos , and even memes.

The world is going crazy in terms of mental health, and our digital lifestyle seems to be a pretty obvious contributor.

Respect your audience's attention and only share what you know for sure will improve their lives.

If you are one of the rare specimens of humans or brands that create something that will rock the world of your readers, potential customers, or audience every day, by all means, be my guest. Post away.

But if not – and you're more like most of us who maybe create a brilliant, very useful piece once or twice, maybe three times a week – think about what you really need to share and leave the rest out.

Take a day off and refrain from increasing the flood of content for 24 or even 48 venezuela business email list hours. Your audience’s mental health equity and subconscious spam filters will thank you.

Filter your content like Buddha, Krishna and Socrates would do
“If you intend to speak, always ask yourself, is it true, is it necessary, is it kind?”


This exact quote or a variant of it – sometimes with an added “Is it to be spoken by you?” and “Will it be spoken now?” – has been attributed to the American radio amateur Bernard Seltzer and the Greek philosopher Socrates, but can be traced back with sources to the teachings of the Buddha and the writings in the Bhagavad Gita.

A quick note on the "kind" aspect: I don't believe your stories , copy, blogs or anything else always have to be kind per se. If you go to the sources, you'll see that "kindness" is sort of a shorthand for "in a benevolent spirit."

In other words: "Is what you are about to say intended to cause no unnecessary harm and instead bring genuinely positive change to the world?"

I would advise all of us, myself included, to let our content pass through these “three voice filters” every time we think about clicking the “publish now” button.

Bottom line: write more, publish what you need
I think we can all do with writing as much as we can .

It will help us to better organize our thoughts and feelings, and live a happier life with a calmer mind. It will help us to understand ourselves better and even make it possible for us to understand our own purpose in this world; what truly matters to us.

Writing more can certainly help us live our purpose , helping us communicate better and connect with the right people, so we can help each other grow.


Regardless of whether you're going to use an AI Marketing Copy Generator to write more stories, faster. Regardless of the idea that 'the internet and specifically social media can be a great sounding board for your ideas', which I think has some merit.

And regardless of whether you're going to start rethinking the concept of posting every day "because the algorithm and the competition demand it":

I really hope you let your words pass through The Three Filters, before you send them out into the world.

StoryLab.ai is an online tool
That generates content ideas for you, and then helps you throughout the writing process by generating hooks and outlines for your stories. We also provide ready-made copy for your marketing purposes.
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