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How sales leaders can keep their pipeline clean (without nagging reps)

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2024 10:28 am
by suchonaka.n.iz
Many Sales VPs – and sometimes reps – face the challenge of sending this message to the team doing outreach:

Nadja message to reps to clean their pipelines
Btw this is Nadja, our Head of Sales.

But how do you go from sending these messages every week to having a sales funnel workflow that keeps you focused on closing without having to do boring data entry?

Find the perfect CRM setup for your team
Before digging into the nitty-gritty, you need to figure out what CRM your sales team actually needs.

Try to break this down into your top 3 must-haves so you can set up a workflow that will make you and your team the most efficient.

Here's what lemlist's Head of Sales was looking for in her CRM:

A tool specifically built for sales teams to manage their pipeline
Okay, a sales CRM…but what does that even mean?

First and foremost, we want it to feel like a salesperson built it.

We need things like reports that monitor each rep's progress, native argentina phone number list integrations that make it easy (and free) to connect to our sales stack, and to be able to onboard new reps as fast as possible so we can get them talking to leads asap.

Connects with her funnel seamlessly so no message slips through the cracks
Here's what lemlist's outbound funnel looks like:

lemlist outbound sales funnel
As you can see, one of our key lead gen aspects is getting info on LinkedIn that will help us in our outreach stage.

We need data points such as name, professional email address, job position, industry, years of experience, etc.

But to be able to personalize at scale, we dig even deeper and find buying triggers. For example, we like to target companies that are hiring because this means they are growing!

So for lemlist, one of the target buckets may be companies that are in growth mode or just announced a hiring.

Targeted LinkedIn search to add to CRM
And the goal was to get the info from our searches transferred into our outreach and CRM tools so our leads can move through the funnel seamlessly.

Reporting to show the progress reps are making and how their campaigns are doing
Doing reports is not about capturing every single data point and entering info in manually.

That job would really suck.


weekly reporting memes
Instead, what we want is a clear overview of key metrics and a sharp interpretation which then gives us meaningful action points!

Pipedrive reports overview
We also want action points from our lead captured seamlessly so we can see what campaigns they were a part of and what actions they made.

For instance, if they clicked on my meeting link, but haven't booked the meeting yet. We want to know that so we can identify trends or add in extra steps if needed!

follow your lead
And that was Nadja's vision for our sales funnel. All the info transferred with as little manual actions as possible.

To make this possible, her tool stack was:

CRM tools -> Pipedrive
Sales engagement tool -> lemlist
Research platform -> LinkedIn
Interested to see how to set up this sales funnel and what the results were?

In the next chapter you'll get a full breakdown.

How to keep sales pipelines clean an closing rates high
Not gonna lie, sometimes the part of explaining how sales processes involving CRM tools work can get a bit complicated.

complicated pipeline integration meme
We're gonna break the entire process down into five straightforward steps.

[Step 1] Integrating Pipedrive with lemlist
The good thing about integrating lemlist with Pipedrive is that you have a native integration at your disposal. This makes it easy to set up and affordable to scale.

We want to automate sharing of all relevant info about prospects as much as possible so there is no questioning “what happened with this lead” in our weekly calls.

LinkedIn DMs, tracking email responses, marking positive replies as interested… all those actions should be recorded in the CRM automatically.

Integrating Pipedrive is super easy…you just need to connect the account in settings.