Most notably, it allows you to assess whether their activity aligns with their target audiences and enables you to identify which activities resonate the most with their audiences.
Additionally, this segmentation strategy australia girls whatsapp number free provides a proactive approach to crisis management. Since crises often emerge from audience reactions, monitoring both earned and owned channels allows you to detect potential issues early on, possibly even before they are addressed by the competitors. By seizing upon these narratives, you can turn crises into opportunities, leveraging their losses for your brand’s gain.
This approach not only enhances your competitive intelligence but also positions your brand strategically in the media landscape.
Read Best PR Evaluation Methods and Metrics You Should Focus On.
Instead of immediately trying to figure out the reasons behind their messaging, begin by gathering some key numbers. How often do your competitors post new content? What’s the balance between promotional and non-promotional posts? Which keywords and hashtags do they use most successfully?