The new Google Analytics anticipates a trend in Digital Transformation : the use of predictive analytics to inform strategic decisions.
These include increasing the predictability of demand, creating market-friendly pricing policies, making products or services more suited to customer consumption desires, or predicting threats to corporate data security.
These are all decisions we face every day, and they require burundi email list 32648 contact leads reliable data to be successful. In the marketing industry, this predictability is even more critical.
Anyone who follows the evolution of good Digital Marketing practices knows the relevance of data to support more precise actions , both in the day-to-day running of companies and in the creation and dissemination of advertising pieces and announcements.
With that in mind, in this article we cover the features that will be part of the new Google Analytics and how this tool can be decisive for your business to achieve better results.
Check below:

What is the new Google Analytics?
What are the main differences between Universal Analytics and the new Google Analytics?
What are the new features of the Google Analytics 4 platform?
What are the benefits of these changes for businesses and marketers?
What is the new Google Analytics?
The new Google Analytics is based on the technologies and elements that support Digital Transformation . We are talking about Artificial Intelligence , deep learning, machine learning, neural networks and data.
Businesses of all types and sizes rely on insights from Google Analytics to understand their customers' behavior and preferences.
The goal is always to provide more qualified experiences, combined with products and services tailored to the public's expectations, at a competitive price capable of leaving the competition behind.
However, changes in our digital context are also extremely rapid. Companies' efforts must be focused on two main points: the consumer (and all the places where they are found) and the compliance of the sector .
Both requirements are optimized with data analytics. According to a survey by Forrester Consulting , marketers have data science as one of their priorities in the coming years.
To help businesses in this regard, the new Google Analytics has been launched: the new platform promises to provide the insights needed to adapt the business to the future.