It is strange, because what company in the world has as its ultimate goal the realization of a high brand awareness? What is a strong or well-known brand worth if it does not result in the desired financial results? Isn't performance by definition always the end goal of branding?
Developing and continuously strengthening a brand should be a means to ultimately achieve certain (financial) business objectives. Fortunately, it has become somewhat easier to (partly) quantify the impact of a brand and translate it into actual financial impact.
With performance based branding you can work as an advertiser on branding activities that measurably contribute to the financial results. With the integration of 'branding and performance' you can jointly focus on the right overarching objectives that are there.
16. Audience targeting is over
Many advertisers are traditionally used albania phone number library to spending a lot of time initially defining their target groups. The idea behind this is that advertisements can then be served as targeted as possible.
However, with all the targeting possibilities that the internet offers, it no longer makes sense to limit yourself in this way. This very demarcation can ensure that growth is severely limited. It is perfectly possible that a campaign does not show good results within the total group of 'women aged 25 to 45', but does show good results within the segment 'women aged 25 to 45 who live in Utrecht and use an iPhone'.
By placing too much emphasis on defining a target group in advance, that entire segment may never be reached. In fact, you may not even realize as an advertiser what you are missing out on.
Focus on segments and intentions
Due to the rapid development of automation, AI and machine learning, the focus on segments and intentions can in many cases even be (partly) automatic in 2024. The algorithms of companies such as Google, Meta and Microsoft are designed to constantly look at thousands of combinations. Based on (historical) data, these algorithms learn a little more every day. In this way, the targeting can be improved automatically. And as an advertiser, you also benefit from the development of these algorithms.
This approach is not only smart for targeted achievement. The focus on segments and intentions can be carried through from start to finish, whereby you can also show different propositions to different segments, for example.