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How was the Account Based Marketing process developed?

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2024 9:19 am
by mahindra
The first step was to identify the product sectors of interest (Manufacturing, Utilities, Fashion & Luxury, Food…). Starting from this first mapping, the research was directed at a specific sector (we started from a strong pole in the Italian market, Fashion & Luxury) by searching for the so-called Buyer Accounts : companies with headquarters in Italy, turnover above a specific reference threshold, number of employees greater than 300 units.

Once the companies were profiled, for each one a ghana phone number library Buyer Persona , HR Manager and HR Director with high seniority and proven experience in the Fashion sector was identified. The research work resulted in the creation of a nominative “Fashion & Luxury” list, recipient of communication and promotion actions.


Some targeted campaigns were addressed to the list (through contacts via Linkedin and via email), with the aim of intercepting specific needs and problems of the sector, offering content that could respond to the needs of the area through an ad hoc copy and creative concept.

Based on the responses obtained, a follow-up workflow was structured by monitoring the entire process through Lead Champion discover and synchronizing the actions through the CRM.

Lead Champion followed them in the buyer persona profiling phase and in the drafting of the lead generation process described.

From a technical point of view, Together simply inserted the tracking code on the site with Google Tag Manager. The scoring configuration was then carried out on Lead Champion discover.

Firmographic scoring allowed us to define Buyer Accounts in order to analyze traffic and verify that acquisition strategies, directed specifically at that list, were effective.
Behavioral scoring allowed us to define the most significant areas of the site, to observe at a glance the interested visitors.
Lead Champion booster , on the other hand, has allowed to improve the conversion rate of the pages thanks to the smart pop-up forms. Different optin forms have been created for each of the different campaigns. In this way the visitor receives messages perfectly targeted to his needs.