How to make meta tags and template texts unique on an online store website?

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How to make meta tags and template texts unique on an online store website?

Post by ritu800 »

The first thing you need to understand is that search engines are well aware that it is impossible to achieve unique descriptions of characteristics in product cards. Hundreds of online stores sell the same products and they all have absolutely identical characteristics, there is nothing special to make unique. This is considered the norm.

But on your part, you should also make product cards unique in those places where it is possible. Meta tags. Meta tags can be templated, but each individual product has a unique characteristic that you can use to make the meta unique within your site. This can be color, size, dimensions, a unique property of the product, and finally, the product article.

Having collected from the entire list of characteristics russian ka contact number whatsapp individual properties that are inherent not to all products, but only to some of them, you will be able to make the meta tags unique enough. Goods. Look at your product cards from the search engine's point of view. If you simply take the product description, add standard photos from the supplier and the price, you will create another online store, of which there are hundreds, if not thousands on the Internet.

Once upon a time, such stores were in the search results, now they are either not there at all, or there are only a few left with good external optimization. In addition to product characteristics, there are other content blocks that can let the search engine know that your product cards are truly unique and that you are user-focused.


Add reviews to cards, add unique product photos, add a block of popular questions, ask buyers to leave reviews with photos or videos, record a short video review of popular products, etc. Let the search engine understand that your site really has unique content that should be shown to users. Look at the best sites in similar topics. What functionality do they offer their visitors?

Think about how to keep a person on the site. The better you do it, the higher your position will be and the higher the percentage of visitors will turn into buyers.
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