Growth Hacking for your business:

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Growth Hacking for your business:

Post by rosebaby865868 »

In the second step, activation , you need to see how many people stay with you after visiting your website or app; that is, how many people subscribe or register, which would mean they had a “happy first visit.”

This would indicate that what you offered to the user was truly relevant to them, so much so that they even subscribed to your site.

After getting that first good visit, the next step is retention, and true growth marketers know that this stage is even more important than acquisition.

Lastly, referrals are easier when the value of the product increases from one person to usa b2b leads the next, so if you do it right the recommendations will fly your way, as will the money.

Let's detail each of these steps as part of implementing


Eric Ries in his book The Lean Startup was the one who truly popularized the term Growth Marketing, with his so-called “three engines of growth”:

Go Viral
It doesn't mean you attack others, but rather you leverage larger systems and user bases to take advantage of the reach of other products and really penetrate the majority of the market.

While you're still supposed to be targeting your ideal customers , you'll find yourself expanding to platforms where everyone is present.

An example of this is Apple, which introduced white headphones after realizing that most of them were black. With this innovation, its users were like walking advertisements on the streets.

Another example is Dropbox with its viral referral, offering free storage to anyone who referred this product to their friends.

On the other hand, integrations, embeds and badges are the best strategies to go viral by making things easy for users.

Sticky Growth or Fixed Growth
Sticky in Spanish means “sticky”, and it means that a product is so sticky that it is difficult to match.

An example of this will always be Facebook, as the value of the platform increased for the user as more friends joined.

They accomplished this by first targeting specific schools, then slowly expanding into the company it is today.

The magic formula to achieve this is: high retention + low turnover + network effects.

Paid Growth or Remunerated Growth
Companies that go viral and are “sticky” are more common in software, as many types of companies do not benefit as much from this type of marketing.
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