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How to reduce average customer service time (AST)?

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2024 9:32 am
by lopebix427
Without a doubt, one of the biggest challenges companies face is optimizing their ATR (Average Response Time). It is used as a performance indicator to measure the quality of telephone service, and is used worldwide as a standard in call centers. One of its main functions is to establish a parameter so that service is agile and efficient, that is, it solves the customer's problem in a short period of time.

The TMA determines whether a company needs to chinese overseas america database invest in resources for its optimization, since reducing the average customer service time is a task that requires measures such as: team training and process automation. That is why in today's post we will address some important ways to improve your company's average service time.

See below.

1. Invest in training and qualification of attendants
It is very common for call centers to have a constant process of training and qualification of their agents, always aiming to renew their knowledge and improve. Certainly, this is one of the most important points to be worked on, because trained agents feel more confident when providing service, and consequently are able to end calls without needing the help of a supervisor, and of course, within the established TMA.

2. Updated and accessible database
The need to complete the customer registration after the call has been initiated is a very important factor to consider, because no matter how experienced an attendant may be, there are other variables that will certainly influence the length of the service. For example, the customer may take a long time to provide the data because they do not remember their document numbers (CPF, RG) or because they do not have them on hand at the time of the call.


3. Update the support team on marketing campaigns
Never run marketing campaigns without first providing all the necessary information to the attendants. This prevents the consumer from calling to ask questions or make a purchase resulting from the campaign and not having all the necessary information.

4. The service must be completed by the same attendant who started it.
Systems are vulnerable to failure, so there are many reasons why a phone call can drop during a call. It is very important that the call-back is made by the same operator, because in addition to preventing the customer from becoming irritated by having to repeat the entire process, explain their situation and provide information again, this will make it possible to reduce the average call-back time and complete the call quickly.

Another tip for this is to use a help desk platform integrated with telephone service to allow the attendant to know (even before answering) what the customer's last contacts were, their requests, whether these were resolved, etc. This integration also allows the same agent to follow the customer's entire case, even if they need help from other areas of the company.

With this, create the concept of “customer ownership”. The attendant taking responsibility for the case individually makes him/her more precise and quick to resolve a problem. And this makes the customer more satisfied with the service.

Systems integration makes this easier.

See below.

5. Integrate effective service systems
Systems integration can offer numerous benefits to your company, such as:

Cost reduction;
Reduction in average service time (AST) due to automation;
Improvements in the quality and fluidity of service.
The integration of Atende Simples with Zendesk , for example, is proof of how customer service becomes much more agile and efficient, as the customer is identified even before the call is answered, facilitating the entire process and making the average service time much shorter.

6. Set goals and evaluate the team periodically
People need goals to be motivated to achieve the best results. Therefore, set goals for the team and individually as well. And conduct periodic assessments with feedback to show the positive points and those that still need improvement.

Regarding negative points, always show how to improve them and ask for feedback from each person about the service provided, the tools used and consumer behavior.

We have seen that there are many actions to reduce TMA, which brings positive results for the company and for customers. However, keep in mind that these changes must be made frequently and that the results may take months to be seen, as they are long-term but highly effective.

Do you still have questions about how automating service processes directly influences the reduction of TMA? Then leave your comment so we can help!

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