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Google Trends tool - how to read data?

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2024 7:41 am
by mstlucky7800
By moving the mouse cursor over the graph, we can see what the trend of searches for a phrase was in a given period in relation to the total number of searches in the Google search engine. The number of searches in Google Trends is presented by an indicator with a value from 0 to 100. Where the number 100 indicates the most popularity of the keyword. The value 50 means that the phrase is half as popular. The value 0 informs us that there is not enough data for a given term, but it does not mean that search engine users do not search for this phrase.

How can we use Google Trends data in business?
Google Trends offers a lot of possibilities and probably each of us could quickly list at least a few of its applications. Here are some examples:

Google Trends in Action Planning
First of all, we can use this tool at the stage of planning activities, if we know when we can expect the greatest traffic, the largest number of orders or inquiries, it will certainly be easier for us to create an SEO strategy or plan our activities, e.g. marketing campaigns. Or maybe just prepare well for this period: order a larger batch of goods or hire an additional employee to pack orders.

Using Google Trends will be especially helpful if we are just starting out in a given business and do not have our own historical data. The tool will help us determine exactly where we are, whether the season for our product has already started, is in full swing, or maybe it will end soon, and we will be left with a large unsold batch of goods.

Google Trends in Content Marketing
Thanks to this tool, we can also check which topics are gaining popularity and which ones are slowly running out of time. It is worth using Google Trends in content marketing and writing an interesting article for the blog that will dispel the doubts of our potential customers and ultimately encourage them to use the services or place an order in our e-shop.

Google Trends in Social Media
Or maybe we can use a currently popular event to create an interesting post on social media? Thanks to that, our fan page will certainly gain popularity. The “Recently gaining popularity” section will be especially helpful.

New ideas
If we pay close attention, there is a chance that thanks utilizing overseas chinese data in canada for business success to Google Trends we will be able to discover a niche or a new category that is gaining popularity, which will be worth expanding our product range, which will allow us to reach a wider audience and increase the company's revenues.


Google Trends alone is not enough
However, to increase organic traffic and, consequently, the number of orders in an online store, a solid SEO strategy is needed. With the help of Google Trends, you can easily check which specific keywords are frequently searched for. If you use this information well, you can ensure success, but it is certainly not the only tool you should use.

In addition, you have to be careful, you never know when you are actually dealing with a trend, and when with a momentary delight that will pass very quickly, as was the case with the gadget popular in 2017:

Google Trends interest chart

Google Trends interest chart

It is also important to remember that Google Trends is not hard data, but merely information about search trends for individual keywords and will definitely not replace other tools, such as the Keyword Planner.

However, if we learn to use it, we will gain a great tool that will certainly help us choose the right direction many times, regardless of whether we run a blog about tourism or sell flip-flops in an online store.

How to search for words in Google Trends?
Using Google Trends is simple and intuitive. After entering a query, the tool will present us with a graph of the phrase's popularity. Thanks to the available filters, we can determine:

Time range (You can choose from the following time ranges:
last hour,
last 4 hours,
last day,
last 7 days,
last 30 days,
last 90 days,
last 5 years,
2004 - today,
custom range,
Thematic category,
Where to search for a phrase (Google Search, Youtube, Image Search, etc.).