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Hologram doctors begin seeing patients in the US

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2024 5:55 am
by batasakas
Science fiction has become reality for patients at Crescent Regional Hospital in Lancaster, Texas. The group of clinics has been offering the opportunity to meet with a doctor remotely in the form of a hologram since May, as part of a partnership with the Dutch company Holoconnects.

Holoconnects offers a device called Holobox that displays a highly realistic 3D video of a person in real time on a screen. The Holobox weighs 200 kg and is approximately 2 m tall. Such a device costs $42,000, with another $1.9 thousand to pay for annual maintenance.

The high image quality creates the feeling that the doctor georgia phone number material is sitting inside the box, even though he is far away and looking into the cameras and displays that show the patient.

Currently, Holobox is used for pre- and post-operative visits, but Crescent Regional Hospital leaders plan to expand the service to traditional appointments. They believe it makes it more convenient for patients to communicate with their doctor remotely.


According to Raj Kumar, managing partner and CEO of Crescent Regional Hospital, the large screen and sophisticated camera allow the doctor to see the patient's entire body and can assess things like gait and range of motion. The camera will be useful when conducting physical therapy.

Some of the benefits of holograms are less tangible, but they significantly improve the patient experience, according to Steve Sterling, managing director of Holoconnects' North American division. According to him, the device does not affect treatment outcomes, but rather the experience of interaction between patients and doctors.