Social networks attract the attention not only of users around the world, but also of attackers who seek to hack accounts in order to spread fraudulent schemes, phishing, or steal data and money.
Loss of access leads to serious consequences: from personal denmark phone number library information leakage to loss of control over business accounts. Today we will talk about how to recognize the signs that Telegram has been hacked, what to do if you lose control, and what precautions will help secure your account.
Why are Telegram accounts and channels hacked?
Hacking Telegram accounts has become a separate form of fraud. This is due to the growing popularity of the messenger and the large number of users.
Fraudsters try to steal user information and use stolen profiles to:
Selling access. Popular channels with a large number of subscribers are expensive and are sold on the darknet. Buyers use these channels to promote their own products, services, or fraudulent schemes.
Spreading fraudulent content. For example, a hacked account sends links to phishing sites, where users leave data that hackers then use. The stolen data is used to intercept the management of a public channel on Telegram, which will then allow them to monetize their audience or sell subscriptions.
Blackmail. One way to make money from hacking is to demand a ransom from the owner. Scammers can block a Telegram account and demand money to regain control of it.
Theft of personal data. Including correspondence, contacts, photos and videos. This information is used to blackmail the phone owner or for further fraudulent actions aimed at his acquaintances and subscribers in Telegram.
Phishing and fraud. A hijacked account allows attackers to play out phishing scenarios. For example, sending messages with a suggestion to click on a link for a supposed recovery.
Malware distribution. Hacked channels distribute links to programs, viruses, or spyware. Users who click on such links install malware on their devices that collects personal information and intercepts Telegram conversations.
Falsification and content manipulation: When hacking well-known channels, attackers publish false information, make false accusations, or create fake news. This is done to discredit the owner or influence public opinion.
Ways to hack Telegram
Hacking occurs in various ways, and each one targets the user's security weaknesses. Let's consider the hacking methods:
Fraudsters create fake pages that mimic the official website or recovery page. The user receives a message asking them to click on a link to verify their identity or recover their account. After entering their username and the code from the SMS, the attackers gain access to their Telegram account.
This method involves manipulating the use