The 7 rules of persuasion to write effective online texts
Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2024 10:18 am
Making a comparison with the blogging world, then, is simple:
1. Commitment and consistency –> Consistency, niche and patience
Commitment and coherence translate into web marketing with a precise choice of topics, respecting a certain niche or theme. It is better not to jump from one subject to another but to be very precise. Are you undecided on which topics to insist on? Make a choice.
Commitment and coherence, in my opinion, also translate into consistency of publication (fundamental) and substantial respect for your point of view, even if it is contrary to the common idea.
2. Reciprocity –> Interactions
If you look at the best bloggers online , the most followed, you will notice that one factor they have in common is their ability to build strong relationships online . With whom? With other successful bloggers, with normal users, with “ influencers ”. This means that, almost regardless of what they say, their content is automatically shared and appreciated.
To reach this goal, the quality of the contents oman whatsapp shopping data certainly has a relevant position, but the ability to establish relationships with the outside world also counts , sharing other contents (from other bloggers and various users), commenting, liking.
The better you are at interacting , the greater the chances you will have that this propensity of yours will be "returned" in some way, allowing you to convey your content more effectively and to ever larger audiences.
In short, you do this by doing online what the most socially brilliant people do in real life: making friends and endearing themselves to others.
3. Social Proof –> Numbers
Making friends online triggers positive dynamics for your content. One of these is given by the numbers that you start to collect on the web : in terms of shares, likes, followers, reviews, visits, subscribers to your site and so on. The greater these numbers are, the more these numbers will feed themselves, in a delicious virtuous circle…
4. Authority –> Climbing onto the pedestal…
Do you have quality content?
Are you consistent and coherent?
Do you have “friends” online?
Do you have the numbers on your side?
Well, because they are all the ingredients needed to build your authority . Authority is not exactly a rule in the world of web marketing, it is a very coveted goal. If you are considered authoritative and an expert on a certain topic, guess what? It will further increase the effect of social proof: by doing so, you “get on a pedestal” that is difficult to take down.
1. Commitment and consistency –> Consistency, niche and patience
Commitment and coherence translate into web marketing with a precise choice of topics, respecting a certain niche or theme. It is better not to jump from one subject to another but to be very precise. Are you undecided on which topics to insist on? Make a choice.
Commitment and coherence, in my opinion, also translate into consistency of publication (fundamental) and substantial respect for your point of view, even if it is contrary to the common idea.
2. Reciprocity –> Interactions
If you look at the best bloggers online , the most followed, you will notice that one factor they have in common is their ability to build strong relationships online . With whom? With other successful bloggers, with normal users, with “ influencers ”. This means that, almost regardless of what they say, their content is automatically shared and appreciated.
To reach this goal, the quality of the contents oman whatsapp shopping data certainly has a relevant position, but the ability to establish relationships with the outside world also counts , sharing other contents (from other bloggers and various users), commenting, liking.
The better you are at interacting , the greater the chances you will have that this propensity of yours will be "returned" in some way, allowing you to convey your content more effectively and to ever larger audiences.
In short, you do this by doing online what the most socially brilliant people do in real life: making friends and endearing themselves to others.
3. Social Proof –> Numbers
Making friends online triggers positive dynamics for your content. One of these is given by the numbers that you start to collect on the web : in terms of shares, likes, followers, reviews, visits, subscribers to your site and so on. The greater these numbers are, the more these numbers will feed themselves, in a delicious virtuous circle…
4. Authority –> Climbing onto the pedestal…
Do you have quality content?
Are you consistent and coherent?
Do you have “friends” online?
Do you have the numbers on your side?
Well, because they are all the ingredients needed to build your authority . Authority is not exactly a rule in the world of web marketing, it is a very coveted goal. If you are considered authoritative and an expert on a certain topic, guess what? It will further increase the effect of social proof: by doing so, you “get on a pedestal” that is difficult to take down.