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Financial statement of the company

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2024 5:00 am
by aktAkterSabiha10
How much they invoice, number of employees, profits, losses, investment made, years they have been in the market ... All of this is what you need to find out about your competition so that you can get an idea of ​​what the sector is generating and the demand it is having from users.

Furthermore, by analysing your competitors' financial status, you can get an idea of ​​the initial investment you will need to get your project off the ground.

SWOT analysis
The SWOT analysis serves to know the weaknesses, threats, strengths and opportunities of a company .

In this case, you should identify your competitors' SWOT to see if it matches yours, as well as find out what opportunities you have compared to your competitors.

Let's see what each of these acronyms means exactly for a company.

When we talk about a company's weaknesses, we are referring to critical points, or elements that fail within a company . These elements can be logistical, management, employee, environmental, etc., and could harm the correct functioning of the organization.

Threats are all elements, both internal and external, that may pose a conflict for the performance of the company's activity .

Strengths are all the key points that make one company stand out greece telegram data from another . Analyze your competition's strengths to find out what yours are.

A bit like what happened with strengths. Opportunities are all those points that a company has but has not yet exploited. It is time to find out your competition's opportunities in order to start exploiting them yourself before they do.


Keyword Analysis
Analyzing the keywords your competition uses is important so you can fight for the same positions on Google and appear in the first entries.

To do this, there are tools like SemRush that help you do a thorough analysis of the keywords used by your competition . This allows you to know: Common keywords, that is, the keywords that both you and your competition use and exclusive keywords, that is, the ones that you use but your competition does not.

Products and services
It is important to analyze your competitors' products and services, that is, what they offer that you do not offer and vice versa . This way, you will be able to know what you lack and whether or not you are interested in solving it by offering more products or services. It is important that you know what they sell and offer so that you can differentiate yourself from them.