Content Marketing from A to Z. Part 7. Paid Promotion

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Content Marketing from A to Z. Part 7. Paid Promotion

Post by mdsojolh634 »

Let's move on to the second part of the seventh chapter - we continue to figure out how to promote content. Last time we studied what to do if you don't have an advertising budget . Now we'll figure out paid promotion.

There are many tools here: from classic banners to the now fashionable native advertising . We can’t tell you about all of them, but we will make a quick overview of the most effective tools. And so that you can master each one, we have selected dozens of useful articles and links to detailed guides. And this is not an article, but rather a roadmap, a complete selection of instructions for those who want to master paid promotion on the Internet. Save it - it will come in handy.

When you start working on promotion, the main thing is to understand the audience. When you understand who these people are and how to reach them, you will be able to distribute your advertising budget more effectively.

Targeted advertising

Our favorite tool. Social networks (especially Facebook) know everything japan mobile phone numbers database about us. They collect information about our likes, geolocations, profile changes, interests - and accumulate big data that allows them to advertise to the right audiences.

Targeted advertising is shown on social networks, and it has a lot of possibilities. You can fine-tune who to show ads to - by interests, by area, by age, gender, relationships, behavior on the network ... You can show ads to those who have already been on the site, or you can - to those who have a birthday in a week. You can advertise to those who are interested in carpentry, or you can - to owners of a Samsung Galaxy S5 smartphone (or any other). Only you decide.

In order not to waste your budget, we recommend approaching targeted advertising wisely and testing everything: from audiences to individual phrases in ads. How to work with audiences and test creatives - we (5 o'click) wrote in the article about launching Facebook advertising in 6 steps .

And if you decide to advertise to those who have already visited your site, install a conversion pixel ( we told you how to do this ). This way, you will have an audience of those who visit your site, and you will be able to track all purchases. This will help you understand which ad works better (doesn't bring more cheap clicks, but gives more sales).

The Facebook pixel stores visitors for the last 180 days. You can use dozens of variables: for example, you can set up an ad so that it is shown only to those who visited a certain page. Or to all site visitors who did not leave a request. You can set up any combination. And within these groups, you can also set up your audiences - by age, by interests, by geography, by behavior.

You can also work with retargeting on other social networks.


Moz recommends advertising on Twitter - but in Russia its audience is several times smaller than that of other social networks . And we advise you to pay attention to other platforms.

Where to start?
Learn how to advertise on Facebook . Take a close look at 10 insights about advertising on Facebook (link - translation of a large article from Moz). And when launching, rely on the checklist from Netology ;
Understand targeted advertising on VKontakte and learn 7 typical mistakes when launching advertising campaigns ;
Master advertising in myTarget .
Which social network does your audience prefer? Determine this. And advertise there. But we recommend testing all three platforms: evaluate how much it costs you to visit the site and how much each new client costs.

Contextual advertising

This tool works with ready-made queries in search engines. A person knows what he is looking for and is ready to make a purchase. He enters a query in Yandex or Google — and you show him an ad. This channel leads to sales the fastest — here you work with a hot audience. It is also an excellent channel for distributing materials: for example, a company that writes about the right investment of money can advertise the material “How to invest correctly on the stock exchange” for queries “where to invest money” and “how to trade on the stock exchange”.
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