Jan 12, 22 | 9 min read
Find out how we managed to increase the conversion rate of an ebook by 20.7% by making it interactive
Reading time: 8 minutes
Lead conversion is one of the main foundations of a Digital Marketing strategy. Any increase in the conversion rates of your materials can generate extraordinary results for your company.
And the number one way to achieve improvements in your conversions is through testing. Testing comes from ideas, and ideas need to be prioritized and tested to constantly improve our results.
But even if you come up with a great test, sometimes the idea falls apart due to other problems. Often because of a phrase that many marketing professionals constantly hear: we won't be able to implement this, we'd need a developer .
How frustrating this has always been for me! I don't know how you feel, but it's like a bucket of cold water. That's when I find out that my ideas can't be tested and I'll have to prioritize the less creative actions on my list.
Well, I actually have to confess that this turkey email address used to frustrate me before I met Ion and all its possibilities .
Ion is Rock Content’s unique platform for designing and creating interactive content – no developers required. It simplifies complex testing and opens up a huge range of options.
Ion’s features allow you to take the user experience to another level that simply isn’t possible with one-sided, static content. But I needed to be sure how that reflected in numbers.
So, in this article, I'm going to show you:
how were my initial experiences with this amazing tool;
a step-by-step study;
the results of the first optimization project in an interactive content.
But first, we must make a brief digression to understand what interactive content is.
After all, what is interactive content?
When we talk about interactive content, some people might imagine objects moving around on a page, or something along those lines. But interactivity goes much further than that.
I could summarize interactive content as content in which the user is immersed and completely active throughout the entire experience.
There are several types, the most common are:
solution seekers;
inter alia.
Advantages of interactive content
In addition to capturing user attention, interactive content provides something critical to marketers: data .
As users navigate through your interactive experience, you collect intelligence from their responses, preferences, page clicks, sessions viewed, and a wealth of other information that can be valuable to you… as long as you know how to take advantage of this information.
Below, I’ll show you how I used this information to boost the results of an interactive ebook by increasing the submission rate of that piece by 20.7%.
Let's go together to see this success story!

Case Study: How Interactivity Helped Me Increase Rich Content Conversion Rate by 20.7% in Two Months
Before I start talking about the practice of what I did to increase this conversion rate so much, I must give you a background on the origins of this project. Where did it come from? What are the objectives of this study?
The challenge that changed my perception
I must admit that at the beginning of this study, my level of knowledge about Ion and its possibilities was very superficial, because I had only joined the Rock Content team 5 months ago.
I was used to building with static landing pages within marketing automation tools and had no idea how big my limitations were for testing and optimization.
That's when the team supervisor, Marina Cordeiro, challenged me to improve my knowledge and test in practice the world of possibilities that the Ion tool offers to marketing professionals.
The challenge was as follows:
choose an already released interactive content;
define an improvement goal for it;
promote and present my learnings.
Since I like to be challenged, I immediately accepted and began the first stage of the project: choosing the material .