Alternatives (alt) show different paths or conditions where only one outcome is executed. Represents a decision point where a condition will determine which path will be executed.
example:When a user tries to log in, the system checks the credentials using an alternate combination fragment. If the credentials are correct, the user is granted access; otherwise, they will see an error message
Options (opt) represent an optional step in a process. They only appear if a specified condition is true; otherwise, they are skipped.
Example: After logging in, the system activates the Two-Factor Authentication step only if this feature is enabled for the user account
Loops are used when an action must be repeated why choose japan cell phone list multiple times until a specific condition is met. The process continues until the specified condition becomes false.
example:The system checks the incoming messages in the user's inbox every 30 seconds until the user logs out
4. Organizational elements
Frames group parts of a sequence diagram, making it easier to organize.
Example: A frame can encompass all steps involved in the login process, clearly separating it from other sections such as payment processing or logging out
References are used to connect other diagrams or sections. They prevent redundancy by pointing to another part of the sequence or another diagram.
Example: A reference can link the login process in one diagram to another diagram showing the detailed steps for user authentication.
Sequence Diagram Templates and Examples
Let us now look at some sequence diagram examples so that you can easily map out system interactions.
Sequence Diagram Examples
1. Video Streaming Sequence Diagram
Sequence Diagram Examples: Video Streaming SoftwareResearchgate
How it works: A user requests a video file from a streaming server. The server responds with a list of video fragments. The user then iteratively requests and receives fragments until the full video is uploaded.
Process Overview:
User ↔ video streaming server: Request and receive fragments (loop until finished)
User → Video Streaming Server: Video Request
Video Streaming Server → User: Send Video Fragment List
2. Hotel Reservation Sequence Diagram
Sequence Diagram Examples: Hotel Reservation SystemResearchgate how it works:The customer interacts with the hotel directory system to check for available hotels and rooms. Once selected, the reservation system creates and confirms the reservation, displaying it to the customer.
Fragments of interaction
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