#1 Knowing how to examine the scene
Survey The Scene
It's important to india phone number list know that email marketing doesn't start with your email campaigns. It starts with understanding the conversation around you. One of the most important tasks for every email marketer is to survey the scene and understand the conversation around it. How do you do that? By listening.
In fact, listening is actually one of the most important things you can do on social media. While many marketers think the whole point of social media is to engage, the truth is that it's just as important to keep your eyes and ears open to find out what and how people are saying things. Today, there are some very easy ways to do this, including creating lists as well as checking them daily to see where the conversation is going. However, for more aggressive email marketers, there are social media listening tools that range from free to paid structures.

#2 Understand what your audience wants
A study by Science of Email proves that 64% of email subscribers prefer rich text messages. Once you figure out if your demographic (and what portion of your demographic) falls into this category, the next step is to research what they consider “rich” text. While rich to me might be something close to a thousand words, the same adjective to most people might mean a maximum of 400 words with a link that sends you to a landing page if they want to read more.
Then there's the issue of knowing that not everyone wants words. This also goes back to your demographics. Some readers may only be interested in visual content or certain very specific types of content like quarterly updates or weekly check-ins. Others may only like to receive relevant material. To understand what your audience wants, I recommend asking them. The best time to do this is immediately when they decide to subscribe to your list. You can do this by checking boxes that drop down the different options.