A marketing or communications director knows that corporate blogs can be a headache . Starting from the name of the section itself , you can start to find difficulties. Blog, news, press, communication, current affairs…
Under these names, a dynamic section is usually opened on corporate websites that rarely provides the satisfaction it should.
At best, a corporate blog provides information about the company or organization . Titles such as “We opened a branch in such and such country”, “We delivered the project for which client”, “We participated in the event” and “We received the award” are common in these sections of the website. They reflect the vitality and strength of an organization, but they do not sell . And if it turns out that in the last year there are no openings, projects to report or mentions, then the blog democratic republic of the congo email list becomes dull.
Inbound approach
Inbound marketing methodology considers it essential to have a place to publish posts on a regular basis. The idea is to attract traffic to the website , to then convert it into a sales opportunity by offering extra content in exchange for contact information. A blog should talk about the sector, trends and offer answers to potential clients' problems, rather than corporate news. It is about becoming a source of authority and building a relationship based on trust .
To focus your blog on a sales strategy , it is essential to focus on the needs of the journey.