Remember that the GIF you create will load in your email as an image, and readers usually won't pay attention to it for more than 10 seconds, plus a GIF doesn't contain any sound.
Method 1
Start by list of iceland phone numbers downloading an app like GIF Brewery or Giphy, any app of this kind will allow you to record your screen and save the content in GIF format.
With apps like Brewery and Giphy, you just have to open the app and click on the Record Screen option (this would be in case you want to demonstrate something) or you can record part of a video or the action performed in a window.

The next step is to select the area you want to capture, after this you must click on the record or rec button, and well, for now, don't worry about those capture errors, since when finished, these apps will give you options such as configuring the start or end of the GIF, as well as increasing the speed of the movement.