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Find out who's who in the purchasing process

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2024 8:47 am
by Arzina111
According to the 2018 B2B Buyers Survey conducted by Demand Gen, 64% of professional buyers look for suppliers who demonstrate a deep knowledge of their company, the market and who offer a clear vision of their problems .

According to research from Epsilon , 80% of consumers say they are more likely to do business with a company if it offers a personalized experience. That’s why it’s critical to figure out what role each contact you make plays in a business . If you’ve analyzed the needs of the audience you want to target, you can take your personalization strategy to the next level:

To achieve a personalized experience, it is essential to identify the 'researchers' , who are responsible for gathering information, compiling data or analytics. These people sometimes do not have any influence in B2B purchasing decisions.
The next step is occupied by the person who analyzes this data and puts it in context with others, with the market and with the circumstances of their company.
Finally, there is the person who ultimately makes the decision , either individually in his or her department or as part of a committee with other people.
When purchasing a complex, high-value product croatian email list with a long sales cycle, it is essential to know what motivates an engineer, an IT manager or a financial director, because each has their own concerns when making a decision.

And each one 'drinks' information from different sources. B2B buyers have a lot of information at their disposal . They can spend a lot of time researching and weighing options , even before speaking to a salesperson.


B2B marketing that works is a balance: it must address buyers’ needs, in a way that captures their attention, and in whatever environment they’re most likely to find themselves in.

It's not enough to have a standout product, a brand behind it, or a sales manual. You need to shape a message to fit each potential customer and place it on the right marketing channels .