Influence Marketing: What is it and Who Needs it
Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2024 9:10 am
Influence marketing has become a new step in the advertising business. It helps to make products closer to the consumer, because it is not models or narrow specialists who talk about them, but the same consumers – influencers.
LOMs – opinion leaders who work with the Internet audience – are becoming increasingly important in promoting ideas, products and services. Among them, bloggers stand out the most, they are also called influencers. This is where a new direction in marketing – Influence Marketing – came from. Specialists in this field work closely employment database with new, beginning and already large audience bloggers. They not only give them orders to create interesting content, but also help them shoot, edit, and prepare videos for launch.
Reality TV is a well-known genre of video content creation. In the era of television, it involved round-the-clock filming of participants who perform certain tasks or live in certain scenario conditions. Subsequently, the conditions for filming reality shows have changed, and various options for interaction between participants have appeared. However, there are several characteristic features that are preserved in all reality shows:

In addition to the main character – the host – ordinary people take part in the filming;
the conditions offered for the development of the plot are simplified as much as possible in order to make the event accessible to a wide audience;
the show's script is not written in advance, there are only certain conditions in which the participants act. Thanks to this, freedom of action is preserved for each person taking part in the event;
When organizing filming, it is necessary to ensure that all its participants are broadcast simultaneously.
Nowadays, many bloggers and public figures create their own reality shows. In them, they can tell about themselves and their activities in as much detail as possible, and also attract a large number of their fans to the event. Some authors share secrets of mastery, for example, in the beauty industry, offer to go to the website of a language school . Athletes can hold a training session or competition among their subscribers. There are bloggers who do not expect any sacrifices or expenditure of energy from their viewers - they create entertaining content and hold drawings of expensive prizes.
On what platforms can you promote products using influence marketing?
LOMs – opinion leaders who work with the Internet audience – are becoming increasingly important in promoting ideas, products and services. Among them, bloggers stand out the most, they are also called influencers. This is where a new direction in marketing – Influence Marketing – came from. Specialists in this field work closely employment database with new, beginning and already large audience bloggers. They not only give them orders to create interesting content, but also help them shoot, edit, and prepare videos for launch.
Reality TV is a well-known genre of video content creation. In the era of television, it involved round-the-clock filming of participants who perform certain tasks or live in certain scenario conditions. Subsequently, the conditions for filming reality shows have changed, and various options for interaction between participants have appeared. However, there are several characteristic features that are preserved in all reality shows:

In addition to the main character – the host – ordinary people take part in the filming;
the conditions offered for the development of the plot are simplified as much as possible in order to make the event accessible to a wide audience;
the show's script is not written in advance, there are only certain conditions in which the participants act. Thanks to this, freedom of action is preserved for each person taking part in the event;
When organizing filming, it is necessary to ensure that all its participants are broadcast simultaneously.
Nowadays, many bloggers and public figures create their own reality shows. In them, they can tell about themselves and their activities in as much detail as possible, and also attract a large number of their fans to the event. Some authors share secrets of mastery, for example, in the beauty industry, offer to go to the website of a language school . Athletes can hold a training session or competition among their subscribers. There are bloggers who do not expect any sacrifices or expenditure of energy from their viewers - they create entertaining content and hold drawings of expensive prizes.
On what platforms can you promote products using influence marketing?