Why you should outsource your company's email marketing

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Why you should outsource your company's email marketing

Post by pappu9268 »

Today we will discuss why companies are often afraid to outsource their services and why we are convinced that it is more than a very good option, especially in the case of email marketing.

Yes, there are many companies that still do not dare to outsource their services. In the case of email marketing, we were able to see thanks to this recent study that we carried out, how only 6.51% of the companies surveyed outsourced email marketing to an agency . Difficult communication, lack of belonging to the team... there are several reasons qatar mobile phone number list that lead to a certain mistrust when handing over the management of email marketing to an agency. However, it is also true that 44% of companies only have control over the most essential aspects of the subject , a fact that agrees with the fact that 50% do not achieve email marketing objectives due to a lack of internal resources (people and/or time).
Being aware of this reality, at Digital Response we have developed a working method that moves away from all these uncertainties and that satisfies and solves the client's email marketing needs/problems. How? By giving them the following advantages:

Customer experience freaks
We seek to offer our clients the best possible experience. Commitment, rigor and quality are our maxims in all our work. And we are always part of the team. At Digital Response, our clients' problems become our own and for that reason we are always available to resolve any doubt or problem that may arise.
For us, fluid communication and constant feedback are the key to a good relationship between client and agency.


More time to devote to higher value-added tasks
Yes, time is money, and as we have already mentioned, we know that there are many companies that do not achieve their email marketing objectives due to a lack of time or people in the team. It is clear that outsourcing email marketing solves this problem, but there is more. By doing so, the client can replace the time spent on execution tasks with time dedicated to other tasks with greater added value, such as defining the strategy and analyzing results.

Team expertise in the discipline
There are different types of agencies: larger, smaller, generalist, specialized in a discipline… However, one thing is clear, and that is that the more specialized an agency is, the greater the level of knowledge that the team has in its discipline, since all their training and experience is focused on it. In this case, at Digital Response we are specialized exclusively in email marketing and that is why we have the best professionals. This allows us to provide a solution to any type of problem that a client may have with their email marketing. What's more, thanks to the level of experience acquired, we go one step further and always try to propose and advise our clients.

Knowledge and implementation of the latest technologies and tools
Another benefit of outsourcing email marketing and working with such highly qualified professionals is a clear improvement in results thanks to the application of smarter strategies and tactics. For this reason, at Digital Response we are always in continuous training and we are aware of the latest technologies and tools that are emerging and which we subsequently implement in our clients' email marketing. And not only that, but we have developed tools that allow us to automate the different production phases of campaigns and scenarios on a large scale, thus optimising times as much as possible.
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