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The Decalogue for a Good Content Marketing Strategy

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2025 3:53 am
by kumartk
A defined strategy . This is what many blogs and websites lack to improve their Content Marketing, which is not taking off. Currently, only 44% of North American companies admit to having a defined plan in their Content Marketing strategy.

For a good content marketing strategy , "in addition to writing," says Jesse Noyes , Content Director at Kapost, " you have to be consistent ." One of the options proposed by several corporate communication experts is to establish a script and, above all, to follow it systematically. "What matters most is good content with an established periodicity. The public has to know what betting email database to expect and when to expect it," says Noyes.

Many strategies fail in the attempt due to not being consistent in content production. This is the moment when frustration and improvisation come into play. It may be due to a poor definition of tasks or a simple laxity in the treatment of content.

That's why Jodi Harris , Content Director at Content Marketing Institute , also shares the idea of ​​having a publication calendar to follow. "Keeping an updated calendar makes it easier to find a topic that inspires us or simply initial ideas," she writes in one of her posts.

The Content Marketing Institute suggests in several of its articles to write a plan with the following points, which will help create a solid habit in content production:

Identify the theme or reason for the content.
Identify the target audience.
Assign an author and an editor to check the content.
Format in which the content will be published.
Determine the distribution channels (social networks, newsletter ...)
Define what type of extra materials or resources will be needed.
Make use of visual resources to be a good claim on social networks and give more consistency to the brand.
Optimize content for SEO and social networks ( keywords , URLs...)
Establish deadlines for writing, checking and distribution.
Publish and promote the final result.
More than the quantity of content, the first thing to consider is the production process -- quite useful in large corporations or companies with several departments. " Quantity means nothing without consistency ," Noyes points out in reference to this type of plan.

It may also be that, due to the characteristics of a company, the points to follow are modified or cut back, which would not be a problem. The routine of always repeating the same processes together with quality content is what will end up giving better results, as the statistics indicate. According to HubSpot/Smart Insights, 58% of European companies have seen greater effectiveness in their content when it has been worked under a previously defined strategy. In addition, half of those surveyed have experienced a return on their investment in Content Marketing .

This decalogue for a strategy could be focused on being developed from within the company itself. However, nowadays it is more common for external companies, specialized in Content Marketing, to define it and support its execution.