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Why Process Automation Can Improve Your Company's Profitability?

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2024 6:28 am
by badhon22
or software may have seemed a long way off, but it is now a reality. According to a McKinsey study , 40% of work activities performed by humans can already be replaced with current technology .

Process automation is a fact that has arrived to improve the operations of companies both internally, by replacing repetitive work, and externally; that is, in attracting and converting customers.

Internally, and according to the aforementioned study, 60% of jobs could automate 30% or more of their constituent activities.

[Tweet ” 60% of jobs could automate 30% or more of their constituent activities “]

And at an external level, the automation of processes, as well as marketing tasks, can generate other benefits such as the correct filtering of qualified leads , the reduction of CAC or personalized promotional processes, among other key points.

Why is automation so important for your company?
Process automation is a method that companies should consider adopting now. This method helps to configure several functions on autopilot without requiring more time and effort from human talent.

Some process automation tools are all-in-one software, so multiple operational points of the company can coexist within the same environment without causing catastrophe .

For example, marketing management and budget management can be under the same software in a synchronized manner, one feeding the other, to obtain more and better information that helps your company make decisions in time.

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If you are still performing all these tasks manually, take a moment to think: how much time are you wasting managing and aligning human talent to synchronize information?

So not only are you wasting time, but you are also adding responsibilities to human talent. If you automated certain tasks you could reduce the workload and, as a natural consequence, save money in HR.

A study shared by ITChronicles indicates that employees spend around 69 days a year on administrative tasks , resulting in a loss of $5 billion annually.

[Tweet “Manual tasks cost human talent around $5 billion a year”]

In addition, 67% of respondents said they agreed with implementing process automation in companies, due to its great contribution to remaining competitive.

And if that's not enough, a report shared by M-Files states that professionals can spend an average of 18 minutes searching for a document manually.

So, ultimately, it is essential to adopt process automation, because in this way we streamline all the company's information in a natural and organized way. In this way, all operations become more efficient.

Main Benefits
Once you have identified your company's needs and all the actions you want to automate, we begin to evaluate the main benefits of process automation:

Time saving
If you are a small team targeting a very narrow segment of the market, process automation may not be one of the most immediate actions to take.

However, its early implementation is producing results that are directly related to the company's growth in every sense: customers, expansion, sales, etc. And these improvements will drive the adaptation process.

When the team is overwhelmed, it is also necessary to consider adopting process automation because, as you can see, professionals spend too much time on manual tasks that increase our entire budget.

Cost reduction
Process automation software has an intelligent approach that allows for cost reduction, as it reduces repetitive tasks, human talent involvement, and task times; therefore, the company's operational costs are systematically reduced without affecting customer service.

[Tweet “ Process automation software takes a smart approach that enables cost reduction and eliminates repetitive tasks ”]

With the imminent growth of the company, productivity is becoming an increasingly real and intense concern, because the performance of batch tasks is substantially reduced.

With process automation tools, productivity is raised to a higher level in just a few seconds. Once the work schedule is defined, the software executes the commands accurately, in the correct sequence and respecting the times .

Another advantage of process automation is the reduction of errors. As humans, we tend to make mistakes, which cause losses in money and time. With automation, common errors in operations when they are carried out manually are eliminated.