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Blogging will make you a better writer

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2025 4:12 am
by Arzina333
You develop a sense of what the most appropriate style is for a particular argument; you train yourself to formulate concisely and clearly, to structure the content, to hold the attention of the zapping, often impatient, online reader. On a macro level, you concern yourself with the question of how an individual blog article relates to previous blog posts and how it contributes to the bigger picture, your bigger story.

Another advantage, which I will illustrate below with a concrete example based on a recent experience, is the rapid dissemination of your story to a larger audience: 'your story' - a published or unpublished article, an internship report, a bachelor's thesis, a paper or research report with which you completed a course or a master's thesis with which you completed your education - that story can sometimes spread quickly and widely via a blog article.

Personal branding
Blogging, combined with other social media, can become the fuel for a powerful engine that propels your personal branding .

“Those who blog […] agree there are positive outcomes, uruguay phone data such as networking and collaborating, finding new audiences and opportunities, disseminating research more widely, and building one's reputation.” Source: University Affairs

Blogging helps you build an (academic) public profile; from the perspective of a PhD student it was argued:

A benefit of blogging […] was the development of a public profile […]. This visibility tended to lead to more (and diverse) opportunities because of exposure to different audiences. Having a public 'face' meant being recognizable as an expert on a particular topic, […] “this is important […], given that most of us lack established publishing records.” Source: University Affairs

Example Carlijn Frunt, master thesis
CarlineIn the past months I had the pleasure of supervising Carlijn with her thesis for the Communication and Information Sciences (CIW) program, specialization: Communication and Influence (Faculty of Arts, Radboud University Nijmegen). It was the usual supervision: helping to determine the subject of the research, editing the research proposal, the method and data collection and the statistical analyses, results and conclusions.