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Strategies to integrate Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Linkedin with Email Marketing

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2024 6:02 am
by pappu9268
Both social networks and email marketing are two communication channels that allow you to stay in touch with a brand's followers, customers or potential customers. The success of a good communication and strategy lies in ensuring that the messages that are sent and the actions that are carried out on all of a brand's channels follow the same line and are interrelated . Today we will see 5 strategies that allow you to integrate Facebook , Twitter , Instagram and Linkedin with email marketing .

1- Increase the opt-in email list through social networks
Not all users who follow us on any of the social networks in which we are present have opted-in to the email marketing program. Therefore, social networks are an interesting source to increase email marketing lists . It should be noted germany mobile phone number list that without opt-in, we cannot launch specific/targeted campaigns and offers to each user.

We can convert Facebook fans into subscribers by including a sign-up form on our wall. In the case of Twitter , we can regularly tweet a request for our followers to subscribe to the email marketing program through a short link to a subscription landing page. Another tactic to convert followers into subscribers is to publish valuable content, whether it be white papers , eBooks or other information through these channels. Users who wish to access the content will be asked to opt-in. This same tactic is very beneficial when the company is present in a Linkedin group . If the discussion we start and the content offered are valuable, we will achieve a large number of subscribers.

2- From Forward To a Friend (FTF) to Share With You Network (SWYN)
We can take advantage of the diffusion capacity of our registered users to deliver content to a larger audience. Thus, by including a widget in the email we can make the content be published by the user on their wall or by tweeting, or in other words, shared among their network of contacts . Once we have identified the most active users on our lists, we can establish specific communication strategies for them. We must bear in mind that these are users with a significant capacity for prescription and influence.


3- Make a subscribed user a follower on social networks
Another alternative is to include “follow us on…” buttons in the email . This way, users who are already registered in the email marketing program but who do not yet follow us on social networks will have the opportunity to do so.
For these actions to be successful and to do so in a sustained manner, it is essential to indicate the benefit that becoming a follower will bring to the user . To do this, we must have established a specific content and communication strategy for each channel.