If you are going to keep your money in a municipal savings bank or a bank, do so for at least one year to obtain a higher return.
PERU21 Editorial
Update Date
08/26/2019 - 06:21
Fabiana Sanchez fs
The year is about to end and it is a good time to analyze what will be the best use of our money in 2014. Before making a decision, check the profitability of financial instruments.
According to the MC&F consultancy, between November 2012 and the same month this year, time deposits in dollars in municipal savings banks gained 11.58% . In banks, the yield was 10.57%.
Savings in dollars in both financial institutions were also profitable. In the case of banks, it was 10.57% and in savings banks, 9.16%.
CHOOSE WELL Despite the good profitability india number screening of the greenback, the head of Economic Studies at Scotiabank , Mario Guerrero, points out that the best bet is deposits in national currency .
"What has happened this year with the dollar is that it has appreciated, which is why it has generated profits, but this does not mean that the same situation will be observed in 2014," he said.
The expert reminds that it is advisable to save in the currency in which you receive your income .
For his part, the academic director of the UPC, Paúl Lira, believes that mutual funds continue to be a good investment alternative, despite having fallen 2.4% between January and November .
The specialist says that if you choose variable-income funds – that is, those that invest in the Lima Stock Exchange – you should keep in mind that to see profits you need at least two years .
"If you are conservative, fixed income is better, that is, your money goes into deposits or bonds," he says.