To conduct market research we need a representative sample . Can you imagine having to interview all the people in a city or country? It would definitely be very complicated and time-consuming.
Let's learn more about this concept and the types that exist.
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1 What is a representative sample?
2 Importance of having a representative sample
3 How to obtain a representative sample?
4 Avoid making sampling errors
5 Do you already have your representative sample? Now, use QuestionPro!
What is a representative sample?
A representative sample is a small number, part, or subset of a larger set or entity of cambodia phone number people, and has the same properties as the larger population of which it is representative.
For example, a class of 30 students with 15 males and 15 females might generate a representative sample that included six students: three males and three females.
Samples are useful in statistical analysis when the population size is large because they contain smaller, more manageable versions of the larger group.
A representative sample reflects, as accurately as possible, a larger group. So we can apply, for example, an online survey to a sample seeking to make it as representative as possible of our target population.
We will not have better results if, for example, we send a survey without taking into account representativeness and we do not know who answers it, and if the results really represent the opinion of our audience.