We often hear about exporting, exporting internationally, or expanding our activities internationally. These are all terms used but mean the same thing, namely developing our business to foreign markets.
Although we have understood what exporting is, the question that arises here is, why export?
International is considered a fertile ground for the growth of Canadian businesses. Today, exporting is booming among Canadian SMEs, and contributes enormously to their success, both locally and in foreign markets. Do you want to develop and consolidate your growth in foreign markets? Here are 5 reasons why you should start now!
5 reasons to export to foreign markets
1.More customers
Visual 1 - Export-Relay-Growth
Canada has a population of 38 million, which represents only 0.5% of the albania telemarketing data world's total population. That said, if companies only operate in Canada or Quebec (0.1% of the world's population), they are missing out on many opportunities.
Wouldn't it be interesting to reach a wider audience? Think big! Exporting your company's activities internationally will allow you to increase the visibility of your products and your company.
Does this seem complicated to you?
Your prospects are already on the web. That said, your website can be your first gateway to exporting abroad.
2. Stimulate innovation in your business
Exporting abroad means exposing yourself to new customer types, new competitors, and new markets. While many companies may view these factors as constraints, they should instead view them as new economic opportunities. Adapting your business model is probably one of the most crucial steps you need to start with. This starts with conducting a market analysis, creating new personas to meet their needs and expectations, and adapting your 4Ps.
By doing so, you may be able to spot new avenues of innovation that your local competitors may not see if they have not also exported their products abroad. This will give you a competitive advantage over other companies.