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7 Mistakes That Prevent You From Generating Leads on Social Media in B2B

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2025 10:41 am
by tonmoypramanik
1. You are not meeting your target audience’s expectations
To generate leads on social networks, you need to attract the attention of an increasingly independent and already over-solicited buyer .

The buyer is drowning in content and is therefore becoming increasingly selective.

To attract buyers and generate leads on social networks, you must publish high value-added content, adapted to the interests of your target audience and helping them to mature their purchasing decisions.

Quality content on social networks must meet at least one of the following vocations: educate, solve, inform, entertain.

2. You don't adapt your messages to different social networks
I regularly come across B2B companies that create accounts on all social networks and nigeria email list then publish the same message on each of them.

What is the point?

I clearly do not recommend that you copy/paste your posts from one social network to another , for 2 reasons:

In this case, your target has no interest in following you on several social networks.
Best practices are not the same depending on the social networks.
This second point is essential: the perfect typology of publications on social networks is different from one social network to another.

Furthermore, your target's expectations are not the same on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn : the buyer does not go there for the same reasons and is not looking for the same thing.

Your message and content must therefore be specific to each social network to generate leads.

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3. You're not posting at the right time
To grab buyer attention and generate leads on social media, you need to send the right message at the right time.

One of the rules for communicating well on social networks is to publish when your target is connected.

To do this, use your statistics: social networks generally tell you when your fans/subscribers are most connected.

If you're new to social media or aren't sure where to start, I've published a study of the best times to post on social media here .

4. You don't speak the right language
In B2B, companies have an unfortunate tendency to communicate in their own language. And clearly, this really prevents them from generating leads on social networks.

At the agency, we mainly support innovative companies.

These companies face a major problem: they must attract the attention of a buyer who does not suspect the existence of their offer or, in the best case, does not understand all of its uses and added value.

To attract the buyer's attention and generate leads on social networks, it is essential to express yourself in the language of your target and not your own.

Otherwise, you will have no chance of being found!

5. You're not using the right social networks
To attract buyers, you also need to communicate in the right place.

As we have seen previously, it is more interesting for you to invest in a few strategic social networks rather than creating accounts everywhere and doing copy/paste or being irregular.

To do this, you need to identify the social networks on which your target is present.

To help you here, I have written a study of the social networks on which to communicate in B2B .

6. Your goals are unattainable
If you're unhappy with your social media performance, it might be because of your goals.

Maybe you haven't set any goals? In that case, look no further: without goals, you can't define the performance indicators to track and therefore the right actions to implement.

Another mistake I see a lot on social media: some B2B companies tend to set their goals too high on social media.

And there, of course, they are disappointed!

By objectives that are too high, I am thinking in particular of deadline: transforming your social networks into a lead machine takes time, often months.

Don't make the mistake of throwing in the towel after 15 days without results!

7. You don't analyze your actions
To generate leads on social networks, you therefore need to send the right message to the right person, at the right time and in the right place.

But how do you determine all this? By analyzing your actions!

Analytics is the key to success on social media: you need to analyze every single action you take.

You need to understand why a publication doesn't work, why others, on the contrary, do well. As you analyze, you will inevitably improve your performance.