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Translated into Italian means head

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2025 9:17 am
by najmus96
This is a really simple example, in fact we have not yet created a real HTML5 page but only an HTML page. However, I decided to start with this example to show you that the code contained within it has a nested tree ordering . Maintaining this structure will help you organize your code better and will highlight the “kinship” relationships that are present between the elements.

As I told you, the main tag is <html>and as you can see from the previous code block it contains two other tags:

<head>–, it defines the logistical part of the page , such as the title (added with the tag <title>) and within which we can also connect other interesting files for the page such as style sheets and JavaScript scripts.
<body>– if we translate this into Italian we discover that it means russia phone number data body and therefore it will contain all the information that we want to show within the page and that will be indexed by search engines and also interpreted by programs dedicated to accessibility.
After the element the most important elements of HTML are and , remember that!
These two elements are fundamental for our HTML pages because they allow us to separate the code features that they include inside them. In this last sentence I spoke about inclusion because as you can see these tags have an opening ( <...>) and a closing ( </...>) and inside these two declarations we can insert code that can be interpreted by the browser.

Now try to save your .html page , my advice is to call it index.html , and view the page you just created in your browser.

If you tried the experiment I just suggested, you will have seen a very simple HTML page that magically appeared inside your browser. Maybe magically was not the most correct term since you had to open your code editor and insert the block of code I suggested above, but of all that strange text in your browser you only see Page Content .


Differences between <head>and<body>