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You were always asking yourself

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2025 3:53 am
by rabhasan018542
You stuck up for your beliefs and staunchly defended them, be they professional or political. You were a loyal and steadfast advocate, always willing to wade into the fray for your friends and colleagues, the best kind of friend to have. I learned a lot from watching you debate and explain with flair, class, and compassion in all the SEO corners of the internet. Conversations that I didn’t have the stomach for, you would enter into with a smile, guided by the flame of your convictions.

I loved your devotion to your family and how you treasured time with them above all else. bolivia business email list You would think deeply about whether you were being the best dad, husband, brother you could be. The same curiosity and drive for greatness that you applied to work, you also applied to your personal relationships. You wanted to be good at loving your family because you believed they deserved that from you. I felt it when you brought them to MozCon and you talked about watching your daughters grow and learn.

“How could I be a better dad in this moment?” Your passion for service and making the world better was driven, in part, because you wanted a better world for your girls. There's so much we still wish we could say to you. There are words left unsaid, projects unfinished, ideas unrealized. But beyond all else, I just want to say thank you, Russ, for the incredible impact you've had: on Moz and Mozzers, on the SEO community, on everything and everyone you touched.