If you are subject to an inspection, you must facilitate its implementation and allow the necessary administrative checks to be made.
Certificate of withholdings
As a self-employed person, you must provide a certificate of the withholdings or payments on account made to the taxpayers who receive the income subject to withholding or payments on account.
2.1. How to register with Social Security
After registering with the Tax Agency, you must go to Social Security. You must bring the census registration form from the Tax Agency, a copy of your NIF and fill out a form.
From that thailand business email list moment on you are officially self-employed.
2.2. Obligations with Social Security
Obligations to Social Security are lower.
If you do not have employees under your charge, you only need to notify them of their registration (or registrations if they carry out different activities), termination or changes in data and address for communication purposes.
On the other hand, the corresponding self-employed fee must be paid monthly.
2.3. Filing taxes with quarterly forms
When you register as self-employed, you are subject to a series of taxes that you must declare quarterly.