No, they are looking for something valuable for themselves, to achieve their own goals. Therefore, already during the first session, it is necessary to give them the opportunity to feel the benefit, to provide them with the first small victory, which will subsequently be associated with your product. If this can be done, then the clients will stay with you. Given this korean friends whatsapp number circumstance, it is necessary to guide users during their first session, eliminate all obstacles and difficulties that can cause negative emotions. Make sure that they reach the winning goal, which will increase their motivation to continue studying the product. When in doubt, it's best to skip certain onboarding elements - for example, if you think that asking users to enter their phone number right away will upset many users, then postpone this option until later stages.

Failure to measure user success Receiving rewards, even symbolic ones, is always nice. Take advantage of this – let your customers experience positive feelings during the onboarding process. Celebrate their successes, achievements, and reward them for the actions they have taken. Ignoring customers after their first experience So, the introductory onboarding has been completed, users have received the necessary information about the product and are ready to start using it. Next, you need to encourage them to come back again and again - this can be done in the form of regular email distribution. Often companies underestimate this method of maintaining contact with customers, which is a mistake.