Step 1: Create a free OptiMonk account
When you sign up with OptiMonk, you’ll gain access to our Template Library and Popup Editor. You’ll be able to choose from more than 300 website popup templates and customize them to fit your brand and website.
Once you have an account, OptiMonk’s customer support team will be happy to help you with any questions you might have about creating popups on our software.
You can register for OptiMonk’s free mobile no data plan using your Google, Shopify, or email account, without the need to enter any credit card information.
Step 2: Choose from the website popup templates and create your first campaigns
Once you’ve signed up for an account, we recommend starting small by creating a couple of campaigns. It’s a good idea to prioritize the most important segments first—particularly new homepage visitors and cart abandoners.
To get started on creating a campaign, head on over to OptiMonk’s Template Library and pick out a template that works for you. Try sorting the popups by use cases, so you can see all of the same types of popups at once. For example, you’ll be able to see all the cart abandonment options.
Here you can see some of our most popular templates for pop-up windows:
After you choose a template, it’s time to customize it using your own colors, images, and copy. All these changes are easy to make in the Popup Editor.