Turn your mini-cart into a sticky cart with a full view of the cart, or as much information as you can provide.
After all, when someone shops at a supermarket, they take their cart with them to every aisle!
The Hungarian Wine Society uses a sticky shopping cart on each page.
You might also file this one under “crazy”. Why mexico reverse phone lookup would you want to show your customers exactly how to return your products?
Like putting a list of competitors on your ecommerce website, showing customers how to complete a successful return shows you are confident in your product.

It also shows that you are providing another level of support. Every online store can be there when everything goes right, shoppers feel more confident to make a purchase when they know an ecommerce store will be there for them when things go wrong.
Zappos return video
8. Install an automated ‘greeter’
One method to install an automated ‘greeter’ is to use welcome popups in your ecommerce store.
Just like people who greet you at some retail establishments when you walk in the door, you can set up an greet them on your ecommerce website.
When someone goes to your site a popup appears a few seconds after they arrive. You can request feedback on first impressions, or offer a link to a guide for beginners.
Depending on your online store, the message may be different here.