If you are on the path to developing your emotional intelligence in sales

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If you are on the path to developing your emotional intelligence in sales

Post by pappu665 »

Promote continuous improvement: By providing effective feedback, you help your colleagues improve their skills and increase their knowledge.
Team Effectiveness: You are good at working in a team and your colleagues are liberal in sharing information and knowledge with you.
Collaboration: You are good at creating and maintaining networks or work teams.
Tips for developing emotional intelligence in sales

I have some tips that will help you achieve it:

Identify your emotions and create a connection with them: Imagine that you are at the end of a new month and you have just finished a rejection call, how do you feel about this? Or on the contrary, the client agreed to close the deal, what are your emotions? Take some time to define how you feel, it does not matter if it is something positive or negative.
Put yourself in the customer's shoes: Every purchasing directors email lists time you talk to a customer, imagine that the problem they have is yours, try to understand their need, listen to them genuinely and resolve their doubts kindly.
Be a little more positive: The world of sales is complicated, I know. However, we must understand that just as there are bad times, there are also very good ones. Don't give so much importance to a prospect who said no, focus on other closing opportunities. You will see that when you change your perspective, clients can notice it.
Importance of emotional intelligence in sales
“Emotional intelligence is at least as important as your skill and intellect”

Emotional intelligence in sales is VITAL, without it salespeople will not be able to create connections with people.


A salesperson without emotional intelligence will give up after a long day of rejected prospects if he or she does not have enough emotional intelligence to stay positive and come up with a better plan for the next day.

In addition, a salesperson with emotional intelligence is able to put themselves in the customer's shoes, understand their needs and know how to communicate the solution.

Most business leaders fail for reasons such as difficulty adapting to change, inability to work as a team, and failure to build relationships with members of their organization.

If as a leader, you do not have the ability to deal with and manage people, you will definitely never achieve the professional success you desire.
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