How relevant is asynchronous working for your organization?
“As remote working becomes more popular, work becomes decentralized and employees are more likely to be located in different regions,” writes Ian Giles of The Crossover Blog . “This brings many challenges, as it is not realistic to have all staff working in one specific time zone (usually the head office) at the same time.” Asynchronous communication and collaboration – with good agreements in place – are much more practical. People can decide for themselves when to consume certain information, when to respond and when to contribute. This improves their contribution. It is less ad hoc and under time pressure. They also have more time to work in a focused manner.
Of course, there should also be room for synchronous consultation. But this can be less frequent and at the same time more efficient or more fun (depending on the goal). Such consultation does require good preparation. The advantage of asynchronous communication and collaboration is that more is immediately fixed, in systems, in whatever way. This makes more input, context and background information available, so that you can immediately go into depth during a (limited number of) consultations and have more impact together.
The question is to what extent asynchronous working is relevant for your organization, if you do not have to take different time zones into account. But the principle itself offers many germany telegram data additional possibilities for (other) organization of work. For example, suitable for remote working and less traffic jams and a better work-life balance.
That the combination of synchronous and asynchronous can really work in practice, we have recently been able to see, for example, in distance education. In this case, a practical case at a primary school where the teacher put the daily schedule for the entire week online on a padlet (a kind of digital notice board) every week .
Graphical representation of a Padlet noticeboard
In addition to assignments for spelling, arithmetic, history and programming, the padlet contained links to specific instructional videos on YouTube and downloadable assignments in Word. The children could easily upload their completed assignments to the padlet themselves. They then received feedback from the teacher and, above all, likes from the other children. Separate padlets were made for projects, for example about the Second World War. And the children were also given the assignment to make their own project padlet.