User experience : make your client or potential client feel special, unique and identified with the brand. In this way, you will transmit positive feelings to them so that they keep you in mind.
The main purpose of lead scoring is to get visitors to become leads, and this is achieved when a user provides their data to the brand, which can be used to send them any type of information .
However, you must make a Quid pro Quo, that is, the users are not going to give you their data in exchange for nothing, but you must offer them, for example, an ebook or any type of downloadable product, a discount, an invitation, a free sample... everything will depend on your products or services .
Once you have the leads, the fun part comes, which will help you increase your sales: lead qualification.
How to qualify a lead?
We are going to talk about 3 different types of leads: cold leads, marketing-qualified leads, and hot leads or sales-qualified leads.
Cold or unqualified lead
I mentioned this type of lead in a previous section. This is the one with the least probability of becoming a sale in the short term , since it is at the top of the sales funnel .
This means that they have had some interaction with the brand but are not predisposed to purchasing its products or services.
When we are faced with this type of leads, the ideal thing is to carry iraq telegram data out lead nurturing actions or strategies to generate trust in this type of user.
Marketing qualified leads
This, unlike a cold lead, is one that has interacted with the brand several times but has not yet decided to make a purchase .

This is located at an intermediate point in the sales funnel.
To achieve their purchase, it is necessary to create marketing actions that allow determining whether or not they can be a business opportunity for the brand.
Hot lead or sales qualified lead
This is the lead that is most likely to convert into a short-term sale and subsequently into a loyal long-term customer, since it is at the bottom of the funnel .
Now that you know what kind of leads you might encounter, it's time to determine what actions you're going to take to qualify your own leads. I recommend that when you mark these actions, you give each one a different score, for example, from 1 to 5. 1 will be a totally cold lead and 5 a totally hot lead.