How to deal with the fear of contagion in offices

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How to deal with the fear of contagion in offices

Post by nurnobi24 »

This June, many employees have returned to their jobs in the offices.

However, the period of confinement may have caused anxiety, stress or even fear of returning to the office in many of them.

Adriana M, author of the blog HRTRENDS , defines this situation as ergophobia or work phobia. This phenomenon is caused, in this particular case, by the fear of being infected by coronavirus, encouraged by the absence of a vaccine and specific treatment.

The aforementioned blog explains that there are three possible gambling data japan scenarios depending on the degree of exposure. On the one hand, there are those companies with a high exposure to employee risk, such as medical centers. On the other hand, there are those companies whose degree of exposure is low and occurs “when professional functions do not involve close contact with possibly infected people.”


Finally, there will be those companies with a very low probability of exposure, for example, employees who do not work face-to-face with the public.

Some measures to avoid work phobia in this special context are:

Provide information on the measures taken by the company in terms of hygiene and safety.
Organize shifts so that entries and exits are staggered.
Provide reminders to professionals about the current need to maintain safe distances or wash their hands frequently.
Promote teleworking and videoconference meetings whenever possible
Provide hygiene products to workers.
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Source: How to help overcome work phobia after coronavirus .
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