Overview of subsidies

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Overview of subsidies

Post by pilide2813 »

1. Guarantee to support entrepreneurs' access to bank loans for the implementation of their business projects

The Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Czech Republic have announced a call for support for small and medium-sized entrepreneurs' access to bank loans for the implementation of their business projects. The implemented project must be sustainable for a period of 3 years. The company must also keep in employment for 3 years from the implementation of the project 30% of employees who are persons with disabilities, homeless persons, persons who left a facility for institutional or protective education and for serving a prison sentence in the decisive period of 12 months before submitting the application, persons caring for a loved one, persons with experience of addiction to addictive substances, persons who were long-term unemployed in the decisive period of 12 months before submitting the application and other unspecified socially excluded persons or persons at risk of social exclusion.

Acceptance of applications: from 1 April 2020 to 31 December 2021
Supported activities and expenses: acquisition france telemarketing of long-term intangible assets, acquisition and technical evaluation of long-term tangible assets, purchase of a business share in a family business that is a small or medium-sized enterprise, shares of a family business that is a small or medium-sized enterprise, or purchase of a business plant of a family business that is a small or medium-sized enterprise, as part of the transfer of a family business

Eligible applicants: small, medium-sized and medium-sized enterprises throughout the Czech Republic, including the capital city of Prague
Support rate: 70% for small, medium-sized and medium-sized entrepreneurs


80% for small, medium-sized and medium-sized enterprises in the field of social entrepreneurship and family businesses
Support amount: loan max. 4 million CZK for a period of 4 years - for entrepreneurs
loan max. 20 million CZK for a period of 8 years - in the field of social entrepreneurship and family businesses

I am interested in this grant program.

2. VADIUM program

The aim of the national program of the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Czech Ministry of Industry and Trade is to support the access of small and medium-sized enterprises to contracts from tenders/awarding procedures by means of bank guarantees. The form of the tender procedure is a public contract and a public competition.

Acceptance of applications: from 2 July 2018 to 31 December 2023
Supported activities and expenses: the guarantee is provided as security for the offer for the supply of products, goods, services and construction works for contracts from tender/award procedures. The offer may concern any economic activity except activities classified in the sectors of primary production, agricultural products, fisheries and aquaculture (CZ-NACE 01 and 03).
Support rate: guarantee up to 80%
Support amount: maximum guarantee amount up to 5 million CZK
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