The future of online transactions

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The future of online transactions

Post by Prisila405 »

In this sense, conversational experiences enriched with Artificial Intelligence (AI) , by learning from interactions, allow for maintaining company-customer communication that is based on valuable information about customers, such as interests, tastes, purchase history, etc.

Talk to your customers through the channels they use
One of the most effective ways to improve customer-company list of dominican republic whatsapp phone numbers communication is to adapt to the public's requirements. This involves knowing your consumers thoroughly in order to be where they are and generate messages that adapt to their codes and styles.


For example, to contact your customers you need to know if they prefer WhatsApp , calls, text messages or another particular channel. There are customers who prefer SMS, as it is a non-invasive, discreet format that allows bidirectional communication and has a 98% opening rate , demonstrating its potential. But there are others who opt for RCS because it is a more interactive and dynamic medium.
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