Email Marketing, Emailing or E-mailing are words used in English to define what for us is sending emails in bulk to communicate a message to a list of subscribers and this process can be done through platforms that specialize in sending such as Benchmark .
Nowadays, email marketing is an important part of any marketing strategy and this is thanks to its great return on investment (ROI), which is still the highest of all advertising channels. So if you want to have good results, email marketing should not be missing from your strategy.
Among the benefits of hong kong consumer mobile number list email is the aforementioned ROI. Why does this happen? Well, for one simple reason: all of our senders have shown a prior interest in our products or services, which is why they are so successful.
Another great benefit of this means is the reports or performance statistics of your campaigns, which you can review immediately and compare results to make better decisions within your strategy. Great, right?
Costs: Who doesn't care about doing more with less? Email also comes into this category, since with a minimal investment you can impact your customers, which is in contrast to any other channel, whether online or offline.
With Benchmark you can create your emails easily and simply as we have hundreds of fully responsive templates (that adjust to all types of screens) and are easy to modify to adapt them to your company's branding, and that's it, you don't need a designer or programmer to help you with this, it's easy, right?