Add Content and Edit the Selected Template

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Add Content and Edit the Selected Template

Post by ritu790 »

Once you have decided on a template, you should take the time to fill it with unique texts and images . Navigation on the future site, color palette, fonts and their sizes, animation - you can set all this up yourself. We recommend that you approach this stage responsibly, because the more professional your site looks, the sooner you will be able to acquire new clients and take your company to a higher level.

If you have decided to try creating your own website on Weblium, we are happy to inform you that you will receive a ready-to-use website in just a few hours! The Weblium visual editor is very clear and easy to use. You can add or remove blocks, change the color and style of text on the page, rearrange buttons, edit the menu . Simply put, customize the template for yourself and make it more original. Don't be afraid to experiment!

list of blocks

Step 4: Create new pages
What does this mean? Usually, the necessary pages for a specific site are already thought out at the template stage. That is, if in addition to the basic information about your product or service, you want to notify your customers about a contact form, product description, show examples of work, then you can do this by adding several new pages. Just do not forget to display them in the menu and put the right links!

creating new pages on a website builder

Step 5: Fill in the SEO settings
What is it? In simple terms, SEO is a set of measures to optimize a website for search engines such as Google, Yandex, etc. SEO settings are very important for increasing your website's search ranking.

Let us remind you that all templates on Weblium are optimized for search robots by default : they automatically remove all unnecessary things from the page, load quickly, etc.

We recommend adding the correct title, description and keywords, H1-H2, as they help the site to reach the top of search engines faster.

seo settings for site pages

meta tags

Step 6: Add CTA and Contact Forms
CTA (call to action) is a kind of navigation element that pushes the user who has landed on your site to the next step. These can be “hot buttons”, contact forms or just text with a link to other pages. If such calls are missing, then you are at high risk of losing your potential customers. The user simply will not understand what to do with all this information next.

Remember, these elements should not be displayed on all pages, but only where they are appropriate. Make them bright and eye-catching so that they attract the attention of customers.

list of contact forms and call to action buttons

contact form example

Step 7: Connect analytics metrics
They are needed so that you can track the activity of your site: which links are most often clicked and what attracts the most attention. To activate them, go to the constructor's admin panel, then open the Analytics tab. Here you can set up integration with other tools and services, such as Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Hotjar, etc.

analytics services that can be connected to the site

Step 8: Check your site
Be sure to double-check your website before publishing ! Share it kenya phone number material with friends so they can give you feedback on your work. Use the "Co-authors" feature , which allows you to leave notes directly on your site! Other users will be able to view, edit, and publish the site (but not delete or duplicate).

"co-author" function for websites on constructors


Step 9: Create a blog
Blogging is certainly not an easy task, but believe me, it will only benefit your business! You will be able to share your knowledge and experience. And your clients, in turn, will find answers to their questions in your materials.

adding a blog to a site
By the way, you can do this for free on Weblium. But first, think about what you want to write about and for what purpose. For example, this blog can serve as a tool for attracting users, partners, or be an information resource. This option is good for both corporate sites and online stores.

Step 10: Show your site to the world
The most exciting moment! Make sure all the final edits have been made, check the quality of the visual content, select and connect the domain for your site in just 3 clicks, take a deep breath and click the "Publish" button ! That's it, your site is ready to use. Don't forget to share the link to it on your social networks and wait for a wave of new clients!
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